
Be Somebody

Maestro, katanya artinya adalah mereka yang berhasil menoreh ‘warna’ dalam dunianya. Dia dedicated, setia pada profesinya. Apakah dia penyanyi, apakah dia pelukis, pemahat, pematung, seniman besar, ilmuwan dll dll dll
Dia bukan sekedar ‘tukang’, mengerjakan keahliannya hanya sebatas teknis. Meskipun hal teknis itu untuk mencari nafkah sehingga ia setia pada profesinya, dan menjadi professional, tapi kalau tukang seperti itu, dia bukanlah seorang maestro. Dia Cuma tukang yang bertahan hidup dengan keahliannya.
Dia bukan sekedar tukang pemain sinetron, dia bukan tukang melukis, tukang mencipta lagu, tukang politik, tukang mengajar, tukang meneliti, tukang mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah tangga.

Be somebody.
Somebody yang dedicated kembali pada esensi pekerjaan. Artinya, kualitas bukan kuantitas. Be somebody yang mencipta, bukan meniru. Be somebody yang karyanya membuat orang mengenali apa yang dimilikinya, meskipun sederhana, namun mampu menyumbangkan sesuatu kepada dunia. Apakah itu lukisan, apakah itu lagu, apakah itu seni peran, apakah itu talenta suara, apakah itu hasil studi, tulisan yang dll dll

Be somebody .
Somebody yang maestro.
Somebody yang pioneer.
Somebody yang jadi panutan.
Somebody yang unik.
Somebody yang special.

Uang? Kemasyhuran? Datang dengan sendirinya, bukan tujuan utama.
Bisa internasional. Bisa nasional. Bisa local saja. Bisa di lingkungan keluarga saja. Bisa tidak dikenal siapa-siapa. Tetapi, jelas TUHAN pasti tahu itu, dan hadiah paling istimewa akan diperolehnya, NANTI, KELAK.

Itu konon katanya hasil karya mereka yang maestro.
Bukan yang rumit, malah yang sederhana.
Sederhana tetapi bukan ala kadarnya. Sederhana, bukan ‘Cuma segitu saja’. Karena, sederhana yang concise, matang, membuat orang berpikir, terpana, menyadari sesudahnya, dan kagum.
Meskipun akhirnya ia tidak pernah dikagumi. Tidak pernah dikenal. Tapi, dalam hidupnya, ia sukses besar.

Dengar, nak.
Kadang itu tidak bisa diikuti dengan kemasyhuran, karena waktu terlalu pendek. Karya maestro adalah karya seumur hidup, cerminan perjalanan panjang kehidupan sang somebody. Dia berusaha berbuat sebaik-baiknya.
Padahal, kalau masyhur yang mau dikedepankan, strateginya beda. Cari jabatan dulu, cari posisi dulu biar orang lihat aku adalah somebody, baru tunjukkan karya. Aku bikin partai dulu, biar orang dengar aku, dan tahu aku adalah somebody yang bersih tidak korupsi, mengedepankan kepentingan rakyat. Salahkah? Mungkin tidak.
Tapi, esensinya adalah bahwa sang maestro mungkin saja datang tidak melalui jalur itu. Ia menoreh tapak dibelakangnya dengan keberanian berproses dengan sederhana, konsisten. 

Kalau dia pendidik, dia konsisten menunjukkan value pendidiknya.
Kalau dia peneliti, dia mengajarkan nilai kualitas hasil dan kejujuran, bahwa hasil harus dinikmati beneficiary.
Kalau dia artis sejati, dia bermain dengan prima, bukan untuk cari uang sebanyak-banyaknya.
Siapapun kita, di mata Tuhan, somebody yang terbaik adalah dia yang sepanjang hidup berproses dalam nilai yang diridhoiNya. Ya kan? Nilai itu mungkin saja hanya terlihat, tidak menjadikannya termasyhur. Mengajarkan pada masyarakat dengan nilai yang diikuti individu ternyata tidak mudah. Kita maunya serba instant. Akhirnya kita disetir oleh hedonisme. Yang mudah terlihat. Apa? Kaya, sukses, termasyhur, disegani, berkuasa, banyak hasil karyanya meskipun tidak prima.
Katanya yang bagus: “sedikit tetapi terkuasai, lebih baik. Sedikit tetapi bermanfaat, lebih baik lagi. Sedikit tetapi berkualitas, engkau adalah somebody.”

Lalu, kita ini apa? Siapa?
Kita semua pada umumnya adalah tukang.
Tukang mendidik, tukang mengajar, tukang meneliti, tukang bikin program studi biar banyak mahasiswa dan banyak pemasukan, tukang cari uang (meskipun wajib cari nafkah menghidupi keluarga), tukang menyanyi, tukang main sinetron, tukang melukis, tukang politik, tukang memimpin, tukang ibu rumah tangga!!! Kamu mungkin tukang mahasiswa, asal lulus dapat gelar selesai.

Aku siapa?
Aku masih level tukang.
Sebagai pendidik, pengajar. Sebagai peneliti. Sebagai ibu rumah tangga. Sebagai istri. Sebagai hamba Allah.
Aku sangat tidak professional.
Aku bukan maestro.
Aku belum jadi somebody.

Apa yang harus kulakukan?
Berusaha. Konsisten. Berjuang.
Maju tapi tetap tawadu. Mampukah aku? Jelasnya sih lupaaaa melulu, tidak kenal diri sendiri

Ternyata syusyahhhhhhhhhhhh, nak.
Tapi selama ada harapan, di situ ada peluang. Tuhan masih memberi umur dan kesehatan.
So, wake up. Be somebody.

----Dedicated from my teacher, my inspiration, my Mother.

I don't know if I think what I think I think

While i was at the book store, out of nowhere an interesting book caught my eye yesterday. The titled was “Do you think what you think you think?” . First impression of mine was: “sorry, say it again?”. Then i looked again just to make sure if it was the right title. It was indeed. I thought, the author must be some kind of genius since the title itself is a three degrees integral, or so can I say so. 
Even if someone asks me: “Do you think what you think?” I think I cannot answer that slightly.
My mind went everywhere, and am still now. One thing I know for sure and I’ve always known that I am a thinker. Not likely in a scholar kind of way though; but yes I think too much most of the time. Even when I think, I sometimes think that why would I even think about that?  It is very stimulating (then again, I am thinking).
Human brains are very specific, very interesting to learn, and superior I must say. It controls the whole body system. The way we talk, the way we walk, the way we speak, literally everything. I don’t believe in mood, it’s all come from our mind, our brains. I think mood comes when your inner heart and your brain doesn’t cooperate in some point.  
An interesting conversation I had with my dear sister (and yes, she is also a thinker, and no, it is not a disease). So we were talking about what is a power of energy anyways? Do we even will get a positive feedback if we think and act positively? . She said it is more than the power of mind; I agreed. When we think positively, so we are also thinking that everything is positive. It is our mind who controls it. Not the power, not the energy, not the mood, not the people.
So the question arises, how can we control our minds? I don't really think we can. You can’t control your brain, but you can control one thing for sure: you can control on how you want your brain to work. I think the best way in doing it is by learning by focusing, and keep on focusing by learning, and then you’ll grow eventually.  I think we can control the biggest voices in our mind. Those voices who kept telling us what to do, what not to do, what ifs, why so, and so on. After all, it’s all in our own voices. It is that simple.


The truth about choice

For years, I put my low self esteem and odd behaviour down to every excuse. In reality, though, I made the choice to feel and behave as I did.

Like it or not, how we feel isn’t controlled by others or by events. We are not the physical or psychological slave of our parents, boyfriends/girlfriends, boss, or anyone else, unless we choose to be. We have complete control over what we think,feel, and do.

Everyday we make conscious decisions. Shall I drink this? should I take that job? etc. Eventually we come to a decision, "yes" or "no". We must then live with the results, like it or not. All the events and circumstances of our life come as a result of the choices and decisions we make.

There is no such thing as luck, chance, or coincidence. We always choose. No one do it to us unless we choose to let them. If you’d like to know what choices you have made, look at yourself and the life that you have lived. What you see is the result.

No one can hurt you without your permission.

The Valley of Confusion

Interesting issues to think about :)

"The whole world has gone mad, or is it just me??"

At least that’s what you’ll be told to, or I’ll be told to. We are told by the therapy world that we are no longer dissatisfied with our lives, even dysfunctional! like the effect of psychological science, broken marriages, rising suicides, worries about health, dying, general anxiety and depression.

The most natural thing in the world is for our mind to believe in something. Our beliefs control our behaviour, they motivate us and shape what we will and will not do. When we believe in something, we act as if it were true, such as there is God, etc.

The power behind anything that I do in life lies in my beliefs, it is THEY that command me. I create my reality according to my beliefs, and I make my own world, there are no limitations to the self except those which I believe in.

Environmental Change: Is It A Reaction From Human Actions Or Is It Just The Way It Goes?

To discuss about this topic, I really do not know where to start. Simple reason. It is a huge topic, yet too boring, some people might say.

There are still many pros and cons about this topic. Some say the environmental or natural disaster come from human activities, so it is just how nature reacts from what people have done. Yet, some people say that it just how the way it goes, the earth is “growing up”, so does everything inside it, the creature, the nature, and the weather, all of it.

Well, I personally think it is both ways. There always be reaction from action, and, also, everything are evolving, even nature.

Some even say environmental issues or problems are not actually environmental issues; they are more likely involved politics, money, power, or just some scientists founding who are just trying to be “known”.

But what I personally do believe is, and I am certain of this, is that our environment is not evolving itself; it is how people treat their surroundings that can actually make things change. Pollutions do not exist because the temperature of the earth is getting higher, or water pollution does not occur because the water itself has gone bad from the source. It has to be something else. We people are contributing for what are actually happening. We people, as the highest, smartest creature that God creates, we who control all of it. Not the nature itself.

The problem is, how and what should be done to start to make people think, at least start to cross their mind: “What have I done? What should I do?”