
This doesn't mean that I'm a Geek. Right?

“Placing learners at the heart of learning process and meeting their needs, is taken into a progressive step in which learner-centred approaches mean that persons are able to learn what is relevant for them in ways that are appropriate. Waste in human and educational resources is reduced as it suggested learners no longer have to learn what they already know or can do, nor what they are uninterested in”.  (Edwards 2001:37)

Why we come to universities to pursue our degree? Universities are not just a "learning place to crashed into", or as a place to prove something to someone. University for me is a place for you to get lost,, and find yourself.
Though many people find themself not willing to learn for the reason of experiences are more valuable than degrees, than going to school or uni; I totally respect their opinions, their decisions, their preferences. I personally think the other way around, because I love to learn. Books are my salve. Listening to a teacher is my favourite routine. My wildest dream is to be a leading thinker of the unthinkable ( bear in mind, wildest). Where else I can find these type of activities except in Universities? They have their field of research, dissemination, consultation and technical assistance, provision and improvement of human resources, service analysis and also collaboration with industries. It's the best place.

Learning is not just about a preparation of living, but rather enables us to learn in the process of living.

--don't get me wrong, just saying

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